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Image by Erik Mclean
 As-is Scenario & Empathy Maps 
 • TV buying Experience • 

  Using Design Thinking ideology taught by the Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g) 

Using Design Thinking to understand the TV buying experience 

Design Thinking is a type of ideology that Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g) explains is comprised of 3 different Phases: Understand, Explore & Materialize. For this project I focused on the Understand phase. I first empathized with the users by looking at their experience holistically. I mapped out what they were saying and doing in their diary study to understand what they may have been feeling and thinking through the entire TV buying experience. (Both versions of these maps are documented below) Then using these Empathy Maps and As-is Scenario Maps I identified pain points to defined the problems and created Need Statements, which are statements that can be used to ideate on ways to solve these pain points. 


Users feel multiple confidence related pain points throughout the TV buying experience. How might we increase customer confidence in the TV buying experience? 

Research Goal

Using photo journaling, uncover where pain points exist through the TV buying experience. 

Summary of Findings

Customers are excited by the idea of having a new TV that fits all their current needs but hit moments in their buying journey their confidence decreases from understanding the full capabilities of the TV they are interested in, choosing the right TV at the right price, to the mystery of set up. 

Diary Studies 

Two individuals documented their journey of buying a new TV.


Alieda (age 23-35) is an Executive Assistant who lives in NYC with her husband & 2 young children. 

Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-25.png

“I’ve been delaying buying a new TV because the whole process feels daunting.” 

"I wish I could test it in my home to see if I like it.” 


Current TV:

Sam (age 40-50) a seller of online goods, lives by himself in a studio apartment in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-26.png

“[I’m] looking forward to finally getting to watch documentaries and YouTube on a big screen.”

“I’m unsure how to approach making the decision.”

Current TV:


Current TV:

As-is Scenario Maps 

Using what Alieda and Sam have documented in their Diary Studies I have organized their actions into an As-is Scenario Map. As-s Scenario maps are used to capture what the individual is Doing, Feeling and thinking as they experience different stages of their journey. (Note* These images may be difficult to see on small screens)

Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-25.png
Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-26.png

Interested in seeing a larger version?

Click the PDF icon to see full sized As-is Scenario Maps:

full sized_AS IS jouney map-21.png
full sized_AS IS jouney map-20.png

Empathy Maps

Also using what Alieda and Sam have documented in their Diary Studies I have organized their journey into Empathy maps, a tool used to articulate the type of user a person is in a summarized format. (Note* These images may be difficult to see on small screens)

Empathy map-09.png
Empathy map-10.png
Empathy map-08.png
Empathy map-07.png





Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-25.png
Empathy map-04.png
Empathy map-06.png
Empathy map-03.png
Empathy map-05.png
Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-12.png





Interested in seeing a larger version?


Click the PDF icon to see full sized Empathy Maps:

Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-04.png
Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-03.png

Need Statements 

Using the As-is Scenario Maps and Empathy Maps I identified key pain points and wrote need statements. These need statements are used as a jumping off point for ideation. 

Alieda, an overwhelmed young mom, needs a way to choose the best TV for her family's current needs so that she can have reliable entertainment for her kids.

Alieda, an overwhelmed young mom, needs a way to reduce the daunting feeling when shopping for a TV so that she can complete the task of buying a TV in a timely manner. 

Alieda, an overwhelmed young mom, needs a way to have all the needed parts for the set up when the TV arrives so that she doesn't have to add another task/to-do to her already busy day. 

Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-25.png

Sam, a good deal hunter needs a way to confirm the new TV will fit in his existing space so that he can maximize his compact living space.

Sam, a good deal hunter needs a way to make sure he has found the best deal out there so that he doesn't feel like he's missing out.

Sam, a good deal hunter needs a way to understand everything his TV can do so that he can maximize his "bang for buck".

Empathy map and AS IS jouney map-26.png


Using the Need Statements above, How might we increase customer confidence in the TV buying experience?  Coming soon...

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